Break Me Page 17
I didn’t.
I don’t.
She’s my sweet little vengeance, nothing else.
She is little, but I wonder just how sweet she is?
Fuck, man... I gotta go.
I meet her eyes once more, and the fucking girl gives a small, side smile.
“Thank you for the cake, Royce Brayshaw.”
Right, cake she said.
I pop a shoulder, smoothing my shirt out with my left hand. “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, Brielle Bishop.”
“Right.” She nods.
My phone rings in my pocket, so I use it as an excuse to turn away from her.
“What up, Cap?”
“We were right, Enoch’s involved.”
I stop in my tracks. “We found proof?”
There’s a shuffle and then I hear Cap shout, “Zo, don’t put your hands in the cage, or you’ll be monkey meat.”
I laugh. “That girl would live at the zoo if you let her.”
“Yeah, I know.” He chuckles. “Here, talk to Beauty, Zoey wants me to feed these fucking things.”
Victoria comes on the line a second later. “Hey.”
“VicVee, how’d you find hard ties?”
“Enoch got fucked-up last night, like we hoped.”
“Thank fuck he showed up.”
“They always do.”
“So, what happened, you heard him spill his shit or what?”
“Mm, not exactly me.” She laughs. “But we’ll save that explanation for later. First, guess what his order was?”
I grin, thinking back to the broken shards of green Mac found all over the field. “Mickey’s with a lime.”
“All night long,” she sings. “Maddoc talked to Will behind the bar, and he took a look at the orders. He said he’s never restocked Mickey’s, and Enoch’s the first to ever order.”
“‘Cause it tastes like warm piss. I didn’t even know we carried the shit.”
“That’s what Captain said, but back to spilling his business. So Enoch’s whole getting fresh with the girl in the cafeteria, and approaching the fresh meat, aka Brielle, on sight yesterday?”
I frown.
“Seems he’s on the heartbreak rebound.”
“So long-time girlfriend Taylor Simms is now the ex-girlfriend.” I slow. “We thinkin’ she fucked with the coach?”
“It makes the most sense.”
“Pissed off boyfriend, 101.”
“Yep.” She runs through it. “Enoch Cameron, feeling bad for himself, as he should, takes a twelve-pack of Mickey’s with lime to the field to drink away his sorrows, gets too wasted and busts out a bat.”
“Takes it to the board, and what? Coach shows up in the middle of it?”
“Or he called his once-loved coach to trick him into coming, punish him for touching what wasn’t his?”
“So why rob us, and why’s Coach Von lie and say he doesn’t know how it was? The seasons over and Enoch’s a senior, not like he’d have lost his starting player?”
“And why the tears from Taylor?”
I nod. “So there’s more, but we know enough to know Enoch’s guilty of something.”
“Exactly. He for sure smashed the board in, but the rest is still in the air.” She sighs. “You’ll call Maddoc?”
“K. Bye.”
She hangs up, and I dial Maddoc. He answers on the first ring, and I run through everything with him.
“Break two fingers on Enoch’s left hand,” he says instantly.
“He pitches right.”
“I know, but it’s a solid fucking warning. You don’t fuck with our shit, and you sure as fuck don’t put panic in our school. People think an outsider came onto our campus, that was on purpose. He should know better.”
“He should have come to us if there was a fucking problem.”
“That’s the fuckin’ thing. He went about it wrong. He knows that shit ain’t allowed and we’ll be forced to handle it.”
“We gonna give him a little batting lesson?”
“You know it, but we’ll let him think he’s in the clear for a minute so we can catch him off guard.” Maddoc chuckles.
“That’s the best way to play, brother.” I laugh. “Aye, have fun buying diapers.”
Maddoc scoffs. “I will, dickhead, and Raven said since you didn’t come with us today you’re making your lasagna tonight.”
I grin. “Anything for my baby.”
“I’ll fuck you up.”
I laugh, my eyes sliding across the yard when Micah appears again. I frown. “Gotta go, brother. I got plans to ruin.”
I hang up the line, tapping my phone against my leg, and figure, fuck it.
Saturdays are the best days to party, and clearly, I’ve still got a shitload of tension to release.
Last night wasn’t enough.
I send two texts as I walk back to my house, the first to Micah and the second to Brielle.
Me: be ready to leave in ten minutes. I’ll pick you up.
Me: be ready at ten. Mac will pick you up.
I grin.
Sorry little Bishop, but consider your plans canceled.
I’m taking Micah for the day and putting you both to work tonight.
“Try this one.” Valine hands me a fudge ball covered in white powder.
I pop it into my mouth and gag, quickly spitting it out.
She smirks, shaking her head in faux disappointment. “You’re a pansy.”
“No, you’re just trying to kill me,” I tease. “What is that? Chile flavored vanilla?”
“Something like that, yeah.” She tosses the rest in the garbage and hops up. “All right, I’m out. I’ve had enough human contact for one day. I’m ready to flip some people off or something.”
I laugh and stand with her. “Okay.”
I’m almost positive Royce was hoping I’d be upset that he took over my afternoon as I’m sure he believes he did, but honestly, I don’t even care. I still had Valine, even if it did take some bribery to get her to come out with me in the end.
“So don’t look.” She digs into her bag, pulling out some ChapStick. “But the weirdo over by the bathrooms keeps looking this way.”
“What makes him a weirdo?”
Her hand pauses at her lips. “He’s standing outside the men’s bathroom, peeping on two girls on a park bench.”
I grab a piece of garbage off the ground so I can turn to throw it away.
Valine scoffs. “Real subtle, chick. Remind me never to do recon with you.”
“Shut up.” I look over and squint. “Wait, I know that guy.”
“Ugh,” she grumbles. “Of course you do. Well, I’m out. See you at the house later tonight.”
I nod and start walking forward.
His eyes lift, shifting right this way but when he realizes I’m headed to him, they widen.
He quickly straightens and puts on a small grin. “Hey, Brielle, right?”
I laugh. “Yeah, August, right?” I tease.
We both know he didn’t forget but got caught staring.
He gives a sheepish grin, glancing toward Valine. “New girl?”
I tilt my head. “So you live around here, then?”
His eyes pop to mine. “I do, yeah. Just moved back actually, so I’m sort of out of tune with things. Need to play catch-up, reunite, you know?”
I nod. “Well, there’s supposed to be a party tonight, you should come. You can give me your number and I can send you the address?”
He rubs his lips together. “Who are you going with?”
“Oh, I’m actually working,” I tell him and a slight frown forms above his brows. “But I’ll be there, and I’m sure some others you might know will be if you’re from here. Did you go to Brayshaw High?”
A low chuckle leaves him and he looks over my shoulder. “Maybe next time, but I’ll see you soon.” He begins walking b
ackward, and then spins and cuts behind the building.
A few seconds later a horn honks, and my name is called.
I turn to find Chloe at the curb, staring this way.
I rush over, smiling at her little convertible.
“Girl, if your man knew you were out here like this, he’d whoop that ass.” She chuckles. “But maybe that’s what you’re into, huh?”
I shake my head. “Not my man, trust me.”
“But you are into it?”
I laugh and she nods for me to climb in. “Mac’s supposed to pick you up in a couple hours, right?”
“That’s what Royce said, yeah. Do you mind?”
Her head snaps my way, and she smirks. “Girl, if you only knew how good I am at sharing.”
A few minutes pass and then she’s pulling up in front of the group home.
I climb out, but something has me turning back to ask, “Hey, do you know a guy named August?”
“August?” She tips her head. “That would be a no. Why?”
“I met him twice now since I’ve been here. He said he just moved back.”
She nods, her eyes narrowing. “Huh, be careful, maybe ask Royce?” She pauses and then we’re both laughing because yeah right.
I head inside and before I know it, I’m climbing into Mac’s truck and headed for the party.
Excitement swims in my abdomen as we arrive, and promptly fifteen minutes later, it’s long gone.
I was excited to ‘work’, but now I’ll be excited when it’s time to go home.
With a huff, I toss the plastic cups in the garbage and pull out a new stack, setting them beside the array of half-empty bottles.
When Royce said ‘work’ I thought... I don’t know what I thought, but I definitely didn’t expect to be cleaning up after half drunk, half sober, half-naked, Brayshaw students. Yet, here I am, doing exactly that.
Yay freaking me.
Mac steps through the screen door with an empty beer bottle and lifts it up, so I open the bag in my hand and he drops it inside.
“Thanks.” He leans his hips against the counter near me, glancing over when his girlfriend, Chloe, walks in behind him.
She steps between his legs and leans her back to his chest.
“Hey.” She smiles, her eyes roaming over my outfit in approval.
It’s just a simple black romper with no straps that lays about mid-thigh, but it’s cute and fun and something I’ve had for so long but never had a place to wear it to.
“You know he’s fucking with you, right?” She tilts her head, letting me in on a secret that should have been obvious. “He has a cleanup crew. They take care of everything before, during, and after.”
“Then why am I doing this?”
She smirks. “I don’t know, why are you?”
“He said—” I cut myself off.
He said to ‘keep it clean’ and followed with a clipped ‘find a way’.
I look to the garbage can I just filled up that’s somehow already emptied, fresh bag already inside of it and the small splash I’d spotted on the wall already gone.
I lower my arm, the half-full bag in my hand resting near my feet as I survey the kitchen.
At the round table, several guys play a game of King’s Cup, drinking based on the cards they pull while a few girls laugh and chat behind them.
A burst of excitement flows from the living room in the form of whistles and quick cheering, so I lean slightly to get a better look.
A guy tugs his shirt off and starts spinning it over his head, only to toss it onto a girl who sits on the couch not far from him.
The girl blushes, her head tipping a little, and I smile to myself.
So cute.
A few others dance around him, getting loud and enjoying their night.
A scrape of wood against wood pulls my attention back this way right as a girl with brown hair decides to join one of the guys in his chair.
She straddles him, completely ignoring the other players at the card table. Each of them observes her public playtime as well, except one.
He watches her and closely, his grip on the bottle in front of him tight.
Awareness prickles at my skin when bottle gripping guy’s leg begins to bounce, but my head snaps up when a rush of red catches my eye.
Back in the living room, a dark-haired dude wearing a Bulls jersey gets into shirtless guy’s face and the shy girl, still holding onto that discarded T-shirt, sits straight up in a panic.
Shirtless guy grins, but when he’s shoved backward a few spaces, a heavy glare takes over and he steps forward again.
I look between the two about to fight over shirt girl and the three toying with each other at the kitchen table—the new hookup and the last one, I decide.
Lap dance guy’s hand begins to disappear under his rider’s skirt and in the living room shirtless guy and jersey guy are bumping chests.
“Keep it clean,” I whisper to myself.
I look to Mac and Chloe, and Mac winks, offering a subtle nod.
I drop the bag to the floor and spin around, grabbing a bottle from the ice bucket and a half tray of Jell-O shots off the counter and head for the table.
I smile, walking up to the group of chatting girls with a bit of nerves.
At first, they scowl when I interrupt their conversation, but as they realize what I’m holding, they shout in drunken excitement and all take one, effectively gaining their lost friend’s attention.
She lifts her head from the dude’s neck, eyes pink and cheeks flushed to match.
I lift the tray in one hand and reach for her with the other, the neck of the beer bottle tucked between my fingers.
She smiles, reaches out, and lets me tug her up. I subtly spin her and pass off the tray and then I’m forgotten, but I make my way over to the ex, trade out his empty bottle with the new, and wink.
He smiles but drops his grin to his chest to hide it.
I pat his back and quickly make my way into the living room.
I offer an apologetic smile to the couch girl and when I reach for the shirt she’s clutching. She lets it go.
Jersey guy shouts, something about “stay away from his sister” and as he does, he rears back a little. Probably to come back even stronger, more aggressive, but I take his slip out as my way in, and place my palms on shirtless guy’s waist driving him backward.
At first, his eyes narrow and his hands begin to come down to shove me away, but I tip my head, lifting my brows and he freezes. It only lasts a second, and then he forces himself to chill, wraps his arms around me lazily, and his head lifts.
He licks his lips with a smirk and shrugs. “What? You thought I was stripping for that?” he motions toward the ‘sister’ and shakes his head. “Nah. I got a woman to play with tonight.”
I make a mental note to find the girl later and explain.
I spin in his arms, and his hands drop to my hips.
Jersey guy glares but seems to accept our charade. He nods, grabs the bottle he must have dropped on the floor, cuts a hard look toward his sister, and backs up, rejoining his group—he keeps his sister in view.
My eyes flash to the kitchen quickly.
Chloe grins wide but Mac, his eyes are wide, and not in surprise, but something else.
He shakes his head, but the guy at my back’s mouth finds my ear and I look to him.
“Thanks,” he whispers.
I nod with a small smile and jerk my head toward the back door. “We should probably head that way for a little bit, let him cool?”
A low, drunken laugh escapes him. “Yeah, you’re right.”
He grabs my hand, salutes the brother, and tugs me behind him.
“Yo, Jenson.”
The guy pauses in the doorway, so that must be him.
We look over and Mac’s shifted closer.
He stands there, face blank. “Might not wanna step out there.”
Jenson chuckles, and out the door we go
He releases me as we clear the last step of the porch and turns to me with a smile.
And then he’s punched in the jaw.
I jolt backward, my eyes snapping up.
“Oh my god, Royce!” I shoot forward, but then hands are around my waist and words fall on my ears.
Mac’s voice is calm. “Told him not to come out.”
“Mac, what the hell?!”
His words are closer, more hushed. “Stop talking. Your voice will only make it worse.”
“My voice?” I shake my head. “How?”
“Quiet, trust me,” he hisses back.
I focus forward when a deep, half-rasped, and not at all humorous laugh leaves Royce.
Royce begins rounding all creepy and Joker-like while Jenson, as Mac called him, hops up, fists tight and ready, but he realizes it’s Royce.
His hands lift into the air and he takes an instant backward step. “Hey, man—”
He’s caught by the throat.
The veins in Royce’s forearm pop out with a vengeance and his hold grows tighter.
Jenson’s eyes fly to mine in accusation, and I mouth, ‘I’m sorry,’ but just as the last word shapes on my lips, Royce turns, catching it, too.
He chuckles, but it’s malicious and then he’s tossing the five-foot-eleven dude aside like a rag doll and coming right for me. Mac’s arms fall and then it’s just us.
He glares.
I glare.
He opens his mouth, and I shout.
“What in the hell is wrong with you?!”
His lips clamp shut.
The yard grows silent, so so silent.
A fire builds in Royce’s eyes, but they’re so bloodshot, he’s so far gone tonight, it could be easily missed. I don’t miss it though because they’re staring intently into mine.
Anger and heavy frustration, but who is it for? Me or him?
I’m not sure he knows.
He speaks, but only for me. “Why was he touching you?”
My head tugs back, my mouth opening, but it takes a second for words to find their way out. “Are you serious?”
My arms lift with my shoulders. “Because I was his diversion.”
A foul laugh leaves him, and he slips closer, licking his lips. “You weren’t, won’t be, are fuckin’ not, his anything.”