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Break Me Page 14

  “I would have seen on my walk home before if you did.”

  “I thought you got off on the wrong stop?” I tease.

  He frowns, but a quick chuckle leaves him. “Yeah, no, I—” He’s cut off by the ringing of my phone.

  I pull it out to look at the screen, seeing Royce’s name flashing across it.

  “You can get that,” the guy says.

  My eyes pop up finding his on my screen, they lift, and a quick grin forms on his lips.

  “Trust me, I have to,” I joke, even if it is lost on him.

  I answer the call, climb off the seat and take a few steps away.


  “You’re not at the house, at the school, or anywhere in between. That leaves one place, little Bishop.”

  Yeah, right. Like he would expect—

  “Your mom ain’t there no more.”

  I freeze.

  “Garbage goes out as soon as we’re made aware of it. No exceptions.”

  “Is she...” I trail off. “Where is she?”

  “Where are you?”

  My eyes cut to... shit, did he even tell me his name?


  I spin around. “Where are you?”

  He goes silent, so I mute the call but keep it to my ear as I turn back to the table with a small smile. “I have to go.”

  There’s a slight pinch at the edges of his eyes, but when he blinks, it’s gone, and then our order is called.

  He nods, holding a finger up and runs over to grab it, quickly handing me mine, but he doesn’t let it go. “What’s your name?”

  Oh, yeah! Names. “I’m Brielle.”

  He nods, a smile slowly forming. “You’re Brielle. I’m August.”

  “You have five seconds to tell me where you are.” Royce’s voice fills my ear.

  “Nice to meet you, maybe I’ll see you around.”

  “You will.”

  I pause, but then wave and rush away.

  I take the phone off of mute and sigh. “I’m crossing eleventh on J.”

  “I’m on Tenth passing I.”

  My eyes widen and step back into the street. Sure enough, a shiny black SUV comes around the corner.

  It rolls to a stop in front of me. I can’t see through the windshield, but still make my way to the passenger door and slip inside.

  Royce looks from me to the burrito in my hand and rolls forward.

  He whips into the taco truck parking lot and gets out.

  He walks slowly, surveying the people around, but August isn’t one of them.

  I don’t know where he went, but he’s somehow already long gone.

  Royce steps up to the window, talking with the man behind it for several seconds, and he doesn’t come back to the car until a burrito of his own is in his hands.

  His face is stern, eyes hard, but he slips a pair of black-lensed sunglasses over them. He drives us back to the Brayshaw property without a word, stopping in front of the group home, so I climb out and head inside.

  I go straight to my room, lock the door, and step into the bathroom to wash my hands.

  When I come back out, I freeze.

  Royce is halfway through my window.

  He says nothing, acts as if this is normal behavior, and drops onto the carpet.

  He starts to eat, so I drop right beside him and do the same thing.

  It takes him several bites before he speaks and when he does, it’s not a question I expect.

  “What’s yours?”

  “My what?”

  “Your zodiac whatever.” His eyes flick up to mine. “You asked me mine. What’s yours?”

  I grin, probably a little too wide. “I’m a Cancer.”

  He nods, but doesn’t comment again, instead switching gears, as I should have expected.

  “If you’re bored, you need to find something to fill your time.”

  When I look to him, he shifts only his eyes my way.

  “You can’t go off like that. Not here. Not when we have shit in the air.”

  “Is there ever something not happening?”

  “No.” His expression is firm and after a second, he tears his eyes away.

  “Micah had said some of the guys from the home are on a job, like they were sent somewhere for a few days, but they’ll be back.” My stomach tightens. “Is that normal?”

  Suspicion sharpens his gaze. “Sometimes. Why?”

  “There’s still a lot of people for me to meet.” Not a lie.

  I busy myself with another bite.

  “You don’t need to meet anyone,” he comes back. “If or when that changes, you will.”

  “Then it will because I want to.”

  He eyes me a long moment and then hops to his feet.

  Royce climbs back out into the daylight, spins and leans down. He plants his forearms on the frame and pokes his head inside. “We have shit happening tonight. Be out the door at ten.”

  I pinch my lips together with a grin. “Ten?”

  The cocky playboy cocks his head. “Thought it was fitting.”

  I scoff a laugh. “Where we going?”

  His chin lifts as he licks his lips and backs away. “To ‘meet’ people, Tink.”

  “Tink.” I lean my forearms on the windowsill. “That’s not even original.”

  The corner of his lips lift. “You sure?”

  I open my mouth, but the gleam in his eyes has me closing them.

  I like him like this.

  As he walks away, I realize that’s not true.

  I think I like all the shades of him.


  Chapter 13


  Pre-summer heat has crept in on us here and it looks like little Bishop’s ready for it.

  She’s wearing a pair of black shorts with rips in the front, her slightly suntanned skin peeking through the shreds. Her white top is tucked deep into the waistband and stretching all the way up her neck, the collar wrapping all the way around, soft but secure, like skilled hands would be in bed.

  Like mine would be.

  When she turns to close the door, we’re given a back view, a full fucking back view.

  Her shirt lays wide open from her shoulder blades to the top of her hips.

  I groan. “I should have been more specific on what Micah was allowed to bring of hers.”

  My brothers laugh and I turn to Raven when her head swivels this way.

  “There isn’t a pair of pants, shorts, or even a Maybell style muumuu that could hide dat ass.” Raven laughs.

  “You ain’t lyin’, RaeRae.”

  Wish you were.

  Brielle starts walking toward us but right as I’m about to push open the back door, she passes, and all our eyes follow as she skips over to Micah, who’s just hopping off the side porch of the boys home.

  He grins, holding his arms out and she laughs, tucking her miniature body beneath one.

  All heads snap my way, but I don’t look to them.

  “Stop,” I demand. “I already said it once, it ain’t like that.”

  “K. It ain’t like that, but you pulled her ass out of the cafeteria today... and you’re squeezin’ on the door handle,” Raven says, evidence of her grin sneaking into her words.

  “But it ain’t like that, Raven,” Victoria teases.

  I shove the fucking thing open and step out, my asshole family laughing behind me.


  “You ready for this?” Micah asks, grinning down at me.

  “Oh, yeah.” I laugh, pretty much bouncing in anticipation. “I always wondered what it was like out there.”

  Mac called us a little bit ago to tell us we were headed to the warehouses tonight, which is the place my brother has run for the last few years. I tried to find some info about it over the years, but they do a good job of keeping it off of social media.

  Micah smiles and then his head lifts. “What’s up, man?”

  I turn to find Royce rounding the hood of the black SUV.

  He pulls off a simple pair of black jeans, and a black sleeveless shirt, like the best of them, his tattoos the perfect accessories.

  As always, a hint of silver peeks from beneath the black, a chain he never pulls front and center but forever seems to wear.

  Royce is in full-on alpha mode tonight—dark eyes, hair, and clothes.

  Dark disposition.

  I’m starting to think that’s just him and the force he puts into the universe purely by breathing.

  “Time to go.” His command is simply stated, his gaze moving from me to Micah.

  “Ready, my man.” Micah nods, making his way to the driver's seat of his car.

  I follow, but Royce slips in front of me with a blank expression and I ease back.

  “What are you doing?” His tone is firm.

  “Getting ready to leave?”

  His eyes tighten slightly, and I study him.

  “We talked about this.” I shake my head. “Bark orders, be transparent, and all that.”

  His frown deepens. “I told you to be ready at ten. What part of that made you think you weren’t riding with me?”

  “The fact that you and your brothers ride together,” I answer instantly. “Add in how they don’t know me, and how there’s been zero trust established between any of us, it seemed exactly like what you’d want me to do.”

  His lips press into a firm line, his jaw clenching slightly.

  “Is that not the right way of thinking?” I ask, suddenly unsure.

  I thought I was approaching this as I was supposed to, with their customs in mind.

  Family runs deeper than blood, trust must be earned, not given, and all the jazz that comes along with that, but maybe I’m wrong?

  Micah pulls up beside us then, and with his lips pinched tight, Royce opens the passenger door with a hard jerk.

  When I don’t move, an exasperated sigh leaves him. “Get in the fuckin’ car, Bishop.”

  I smile and do as he says, but before he closes it, he pops his head inside. “You don’t step out until I tell you to.” He looks to Micah, his expression now flat. “Follow us through the gate, but don’t block us inside.”

  “You got it, boss.” Micah nods.

  “Yeah, boss, see you there.”

  Royce’s eyes snap toward me, and while they narrow, the corner of his mouth twitches. “Ten minute drive, don’t fuckin’ lose us.”

  He slams the door, slips into the SUV and then we’re both rolling forward.

  All I can think as we pull off the property is finally.

  After nearly four long years, it’s happening. I’m going to walk into the place my brother lives for.

  My nerves, they aren’t the dangerous kind tonight. They don’t raise my pulse, but swim in my stomach, flickering like the stars above us, driven by excitement that grows wilder and wilder as the minutes tick by. Before I know it, we’re creeping down a deserted street, rolling into a dirt parking lot, and bypassing a few rows of random cars until we’re lined up with a slightly hidden, and very large section of iron walls.

  We never make it to a full stop as the moment we’re in the exact spot they intended us to be, those ‘walls’ turn into doors, and glide open. Seconds later we’re trapped within them, the laughs and shouts of dozens upon dozens heard through the thin windows of Micah’s new car.

  Other than the boys’ SUV, Micah’s car is the only other one on this side of the gates.

  He kills the engine and when he does, I reach for the handle.

  Micah shoots an arm across my middle, and my eyes fly to his.

  “No way, girl.” He frowns. “You heard the man. Park your ass until he climbs out.”

  I drop against the seat, but Micah keeps his hand in place.

  “I’m not going to sneak out.”

  “And I’m not taking the chance in case you decide to.”

  We both laugh and then the door is yanked open.

  Royce looks to Micah’s hand, stretched across my chest, and his eyes slide his way.

  “Out,” he commands.

  Micah doesn’t hesitate, but as I unbuckle my seat belt and attempt to do the same, Royce crouches down, balancing on bent knees.

  We’re eye level now and he studies me before saying, “There’re different tiers of people on our payroll, not everyone is equal as far as positions go. You’ll figure that out quickly. You want to earn a place here, find what you’re good at, show us how we can benefit from you or you are worthless.”

  “If you thought I was worthless, you wouldn’t have brought me here.”

  “If you think you know why I brought you here, you’re mistaken,” he snaps back.

  I give a slow shake of my head and his frown slides in.

  “If you think I care about semantics, you’re mistaken.” I shrug. “I’m home and that’s what matters.”

  I climb out, forcing him to stand, and look up into his tightly drawn eyes.

  “I thought you and I were going to be able to be friends. I kind of sort of thought we were starting to be already, to be honest, but if you want to keep me at this push and pull level, make it clear we aren’t and won’t be, that’s fine. I’m more than capable of being whatever else it is you need me to be, but if you decide you might have room for one more person to, you know, not hate, I won’t pretend I wouldn’t like that.” I tuck my hands in my pockets. “I’m not embarrassed to admit I could use a friend. It’s been a while since I’ve had one.”

  I go to walk by, but he slides in my space again.

  He speaks with a bit of an ambiguous rasp. “I know you asked Maybell to hide your last name, but it will come out, and then everyone will want to be your friend. Nine out of ten of them will be the farthest fucking thing from real. You say you aren’t naïve, but you’d give me your friendship so easy? Will you give them the same?”

  I shake my head and his eyes narrow.

  It’s as if he’s trying to talk himself out of asking, but he does it anyway. “Why?”

  “I don’t trust them.”

  A heavy strain tugs at his forehead, his eyes bouncing between mine. “You sayin’ you trust me?”

  I don’t know why, but...


  He swallows, looking away only to come right back, his expression now empty.

  He bends, bringing his face closer to mine all to shift at the last second, his lips now level with my ear so he can whisper his reproach. “That, right there... is your first mistake.”

  He slides along my back, disappearing in seconds.

  His vanishing act prompts the doors to the SUV to open, and all at once, four pairs of eyes land on me.

  The girls climb out, the boys right behind them.

  Victoria speaks first, and with a vivid grin. “What do you say, guys, isn’t she perfectly unsuspecting?”

  She looks to the others with a brow raised and they nod.

  Raven winks while Maddoc takes a step closer to me.

  “Brielle Bishop.” He cocks his head. “How’s your poker game?”

  I smile.

  Here we go.

  Chapter 14


  It’s surreal, movie-like, how the crowd literally parts, leaving a wide path for their kings and queens to slide through with ease, and to do so with zero hostility rolling off of any of them is something to be noted.

  All these people, they’re happy to be here and recognize it hurts them none to give those who own and run this place the respect they should, and space they need, to settle their minds.

  It’s rare.


  As is the rawness of this place.

  These guys, they’re richer than Wall Street. You’d think they’d need the biggest and brightest of life, but this place is far from a rich boy’s fantasy.

  It’s a punk’s paradise.

  Grit and goons.

  It’s everything my brother loves.

  Iron walls three, maybe four times my height wrap for all around, forming a giant
oval-like shape, massive sheets of mismatched metal woven between them, caging the outside world off and leaving nothing but the one created within it—a pit of dark and dirty.

  The energy is wild, high-spirited, and enticing, and this is only the outside.

  The far right corner is where we’re headed, toward a giant floor to ceiling steel door that sits inches open and is guarded by a beast of a guy with the baddest braids I’ve ever seen. A guy whose eyes have just landed on me, but quickly jump along the group.

  His hand lifts, coming down on the thing twice, and it’s thrown open instantly.

  He slips to the side and Raven steps through, Maddoc at her back, Captain and Victoria right behind them, me on the tail.

  I don’t walk straight in as they do, though.

  My steps slow in the doorway, and I pull in a lungful of air.

  My limbs prickle with eagerness, chilling my body only for my skin to warm a second later as I take in every inch of the place.

  Black, white, and royal blue are the colors that make up the room. There’s a giant wolf’s head painted in the middle of the largest wall, a couple card games going on in one corner—one being poker—various TVs playing sports highlights hanging in several areas, with small tables and couches strategically placed all around. A long bar lines the back, fully stocked and lit with LED lights.

  I spot Chloe and Mac and my curiosity is officially piqued when he walks her backward, and the two disappear completely behind a long black curtain in the front right corner.

  I take in the room once more, and my chest expands with another full breath.

  The lighting’s low, music’s high, and the air’s painted with sweat and smoke, with promiscuity.

  A risqué, rugged retreat.

  A small smile pulls at my lips as I reach back, gripping the edge of the door, and shift slightly to look outside.

  This place, it’s gold.

  A hidden haven for people like me, those of us raring for freedom not so easily found, an underground world designed to erase the one we live in, if only for a little while. An escape to color our worlds brighter.

  It’s dark and loud, crowded and a little scary but it’s... god, it’s—


  I look over my shoulder to find Royce standing there, drink in hand and nearly empty.