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Boys of Brayshaw High Page 12
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Page 12
Royce grabs my shirt and starts pulling me away when more voices and more footsteps grow closer, so I grab my backpack and run with him, but when I glance back, I see Maddoc is still laying it on the guy who had me by the neck.
I slow my steps and Royce pulls harder.
“Let’s fucking go!” he shouts, but I yank free, drop my bag and run back.
I catch Maddoc’s arm in the air and pull.
He spins, ready to throw a punch but when he sees it’s me, he freezes. His face travels over mine, inspecting for damage it looks like, before meeting my eyes.
I nod. “We gotta go.”
His face tightens, his jaw clenching so I nod again.
“Now!” Cap hollers in from behind me and an engine roars.
Maddoc hops to his feet, gripping my hand to pull me with him, but I free myself and am one step ahead of him.
Royce holds open the back door and the three of us jump inside. Cap puts the pedal to the metal and we’re gone.
I go to climb over the console to hit the front seat and make more room, but Maddoc pulls me back down.
And yet again nobody says a goddamn word during the ten-minute drive back.
We pull up in front of the girls’ Bray house and Cap screeches to a halt. Simultaneously, all their glares fly to me.
They say nothing.
With a roll of my eyes, I go to hop out, but Captain hits a button, and gee look at that, child fucking lock.
“What you did tonight was reckless.” Captain’s eyes narrow.
“You basically summed me up in with one word. That’s what I do, that’s who I am.”
“You could have gotten yourself hurt.”
“Newsflash lost boys, this life isn’t new to me. I get my hands sticky and I figure it out. Sometimes it’s just more complicated.”
“You did all that so we could sneak off,” Royce says, sitting forward like he wants me to see him better.
I look off instead. “I did it so I could get back before Maybell found out I was gone.”
“Bullshit,” Maddoc drags out and I glare his way.
“Why else would I?”
“Don’t be a pussy, Raven,” he calls me out. “Say it.”
I look between the three, all waiting for the obvious answer.
With a growl, I throw my hands up. “Fine. You guys were trippin’ on those men. You knew them or of them, something. Either way, you recognized the voices and didn’t want to be found for a reason. I, on the other hand, don’t fucking care so I figured I’d distract them for you.” I glare at them. “You were supposed to leave ... unseen.”
They eye me, but no one says a word. I haven’t decided yet if quiet Brayshaws are worse than rowdy Brayshaws.
It’s kind of annoying when you’re the one they’re staring at but you’re not privy to what’s happening on the inside.
They have the same look on their faces – a look that gives you nothing. But there’s something rolling around in their minds, a thought not spoken but understood among the three.
I will admit, it’s hella cool how they’re connected on a deeper level then what outside eyes can see, they seem to know exactly what the other is thinking.
This must be a part of why they’re loved and feared. Or secretly hated, but respected nonetheless. Because in the company of others, they work as one.
They’ll speak, mull over how to move forward from here.
But not in my presence.
Because who am I?
Just the latest trash dropped on a rickety doorstep with not a soul’s back to lean against. Forever the unwanted outsider, something I’ve always told myself I was okay with.
A click sounds, so I try the door again and it opens.
I grab my bag and don’t look back, headed for my bedroom window.
I slip inside undetected and change my clothes. I hit the bathroom and rinse what I can with the sink water turned on low so it doesn’t wake the entire house – showers aren’t allowed after lights out or I’d hop right in.
When I exit the bathroom, Maybell is standing there with her little nightlight in hand and I freeze, but she only nods.
“Go on to bed now, child.”
I don’t bother making up a lie. I have a feeling she knows more than she leads on.
I step around her, heading back to my room, and slip into bed. I turn on my flashlight, plug my headphones in and blast the music. I reach for my knife, place it in the hem of my shorts and stare at the door, waiting for sleep to force my hand.
My eyes just start to close when a figure flashes at my side. I quickly flip open my switch blade, my arm lifting to block the person’s hand when it reaches for me.
The blade makes contact with skin and the figure jolts back.
I scurry across my sheet to grab my flashlight, and point it on the person.
Maddoc is in front of me, glaring down at his shirt, a red spot forming just above his hip.
His eyes fly to mine. “You fucking cut me.”
“What the hell are you doing here?!” I hiss.
He ignores me and lifts his shirt over his head to inspect the wound.
And fuck the wound ... hello abs, and son of a shit, those hip bones. Thick rooted veins offering the perfect path to follow with my tongue, starting a few inches past his belly button and disappearing into grey joggers. Joggers that do nothing to hide the size of his package as it fights against the smooth cotton.
He’s thick.
I bet with the tiniest of tugs, his drawstring bottoms would slide right down, granting better access to the prize he’s clearly packing.
When a deep rumble leaves him, my eyes fly back to his.
Oh right, I kinda cut him.
I scoot across the mattress on my knees before standing in front of him. I lick my finger and swipe across the wound to remove the blood and he twitches.
“Chill. I hardly broke the skin, can’t hurt that bad.”
He shoves my hand away when I dab at it. “It doesn’t hurt at all.”
My hands fly in the air and I drop back on my bed. “I’d say my bad, but it’s yours ‘cause you snuck up on me.”
He licks his lips, staring at me, his shirt hanging in his hand.
“Why you here?”
“Making sure you are.”
“You dropped me off, did you not?”
“That don’t mean shit.” He shrugs.
“So you wanted to know if I was really here or if I snuck into someone else’s bed for the night?”
He doesn’t deny it. Doesn’t confirm it either.
“Well I’m here, guess you can go now.”
He ignores me and moves to grab my knife, but I yank it back.
His eyes flash. “Why do you have that?”
“Habit.” Not a lie.
His fixated stare makes me nervous and I force myself not to fidget.
That’s definitely new and not at all ok.
“Why do you sleep with it?” he asks.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Your mom’s boyfriends?” he guesses and my nostrils flare.
“Don’t pretend to care.”
“I’m not.”
“Then don’t pretend interested in the answer,” I snap, a hollowness taking over my stomach. “Get the fuck out.”
He makes no move, trying to keep his frown in place, and while he’s sly, I’m observant – he’s looking me over, inspecting the damage done. Not that my scrapes and bruises would cause him pause but still.
“Fine. But hear me, Raven, you will not fight for Bishop again.” He hops out the window.
I lean against the frame. “You gonna tell me to stay away from him too?”
He glances at me over his shoulder, those eyes as unrelenting as ever. “Don’t ask stupid questions you already know the answer to.” My eyes fall to his mouth when his tongue pokes out to skim across his lips.
Maddoc takes a step back and my eyes lift to meet his once mor
He shakes his head, disappearing into the darkness.
I grin to myself as I make sure to lock the window behind him. Asshole.
Twisting the knife around, I run my fingers across the fading engraving on the handle: family runs deeper than blood.
I don’t know what it means, but the knife itself gives me comfort.
There was only one man who ever positively acknowledged my mom had a kid and remained that way all through his time around her. He was a piece of shit just the same, would show up and disappear into her room to be with her just like the rest, but he always brought me ice cream and a portable DVD player with a new movie each time. He’d tell me to turn it up and usually by the time it was over, so was his paid session. He’d grab the movie and go.
The last time I saw him, though, he didn’t stay long. He dropped down beside me, looking a little solemn as gave me this knife. He told me to hide it on me at all times and use it whenever I felt I needed to. He had said the words inscribed were true, that I didn’t have to accept my life just because I was born into it.
He told me family was choice, not a burden of birth. He said it was up to me to find the feeling and never to settle for less than what I wanted.
I’m pretty sure he’d just realized my mom brought almost all her “work” home with her and he felt like crap about it, but at the time I took his words and held onto them. And since that day my knife grants me sleep at night.
Maddoc’s blood is only the second person’s to touch the blade.
Doubt his’ll be the last.
I lay back down, flashlight on, earbuds in and knife tucked away once more.
Sleep never comes.
It rained all night and shows no sign of letting up anytime soon, so everyone who could scrounge a buck-fifty jumped on the city bus for the short drive to school – a mile and a half in the rain on foot is not fun.
Lifting the sleeve of my sweater to cover my yawn, I drop my back on the bus bench and close my eyes. The ride is only five minutes down the road, but any extra seconds of rest will do me good right now.
After Maddoc left last night, I couldn’t sleep. Adrenaline was too high as always after a fight, and I knew nothing short of a Xanax would work. Of course, I didn’t have any of those around here.
Back home, though not always paid, I fought more often so the balance was better. All it would take is a couple cheap beers or shots, if I had the money, to calm myself. I didn’t have all this extra built up energy inside me with nowhere to put it. On a regular day I only ever got maybe three to four hours of sleep, so I knew when I hit my pillow last night I was screwed.
The squeaky brakes jerk us to a stop and my back shakes against the seat, making my headache that much worse.
Bass’s elbow hits me in the ribs, so I elbow him back. When he smacks my thigh, my eyes fly open and I roll my head to glare at him.
His face is blank as he tips his chin to the front of the bus, not bothering to move his DJ size headphones from his ears.
I ignore him and close my eyes.
“Son, you paying or not?” the bus driver asks in her scratchy smoker’s voice.
“That’d be a negative, bus driver lady. Just looking for—” My eyes snap forward and Royce answers my glare with a grin. “There she is! Let’s go, RaeRae.”
“What are you doing?” I call from my seat about four rows back and he leans against the driver’s holding bar.
“Waiting for you.”
Every damn eye on this piece of shit bus is on me, and there are not just students from the Bray houses on here, but common workers and stragglers from the surrounding areas.
“Go away, Royce,” I force through clenched teeth.
“Look, people have places to be—”
Royce’s fierce chuckle has the lady’s mouth clamping shut, and a vindictive smile forms on his lips. “This is Brayshaw business.” He drops his name like a dick and the poor chick visibly pales. “The bus can move when I say it can move. And it doesn’t until she gets off.” He moves his eyes back to mine, all signs of playfulness gone.
The driver shifts to look my way. “I need you to get off now, dear.”
“No,” I snap.
Her features tighten, and I feel kind of bad but fuck, dude.
Royce shakes his head like he’s disappointed but expected my answer. He glances out the open door and shrugs.
And of fucking course Captain is now stepping on. He and Royce head down the aisle, and right before they reach me, a whisper hits my ear, causing me to jump.
“Move that ass, Raven. Now.”
I turn to face him, but his eyes aren’t on me. They’re on my seat companion.
So, big man snuck on through the back door. Awesome.
“Get off already, Rae. Or we’ll all be late.” That comes from Victoria.
When I flip her off, Captain turns toward her, but she quickly averts her gaze.
With a light growl, I push to my feet, but I don’t go out the back with Maddoc, I head forward and shove past the other two clowns who laugh and turn to follow.
I stop as I go to exit and glance to Bass, but he and Maddoc are stuck in a stare off, neither looking away before I step off the bus and into the rain.
Royce tosses his jacket on my head and I toss it in a puddle on the ground.
He glares, snatches it up and grips my arm, pulling me toward the stupid SUV. He opens the door and sweeps a hand, so I slide inside like the puppet they seem to love to play.
“This is bullshit.”
“Not worth the fight, girl.”
“Fuck off.”
Captain grins and slides behind the wheel as Royce makes his way to the passenger seat.
Finally, Maddoc opens the door and eases himself in.
He doesn’t say a word, doesn’t even look my way, but for some reason, the boys laugh and then the car is moving.
Unreadable asshole.
I don’t bother questioning them when we pass the school – it’ll do me no damn good – but I’m not too mad about it when we pull up at a donut shop a few blocks down.
Cap steps out but pokes his head back in.
“Chocolate sprinkles and hot chocolate,” Royce tells him, and I fight a grin.
“Coffee,” Maddoc tells him and then Captain looks to me.
“Don’t be difficult—”
“Two maple bars and a coffee, half cream/half coffee.”
He frowns.
“What?” I ask straight-faced. “Thought I’d turn down sugar pretending to be a rabbit eater?”
Captain nods. “Yeah, for some reason I did.” He heads inside.
I sit back, letting out a little sigh, excited about my treat.
Maddoc’s lip tips up the tiniest bit and I jerk my stare forward.
“You don’t have to pretend not to enjoy us, RaeRae.” Royce grins in the mirror at me. “We’re quite awesome to be around. You’ll see.”
“Will I now?”
“Yep. You will. ‘Cause you’re on lockdown, baby. Where we go, you go.”
“Why?” I ask, but I’m looking at Maddoc now.
“Because that’s where we want you.”
“Again. Why?”
His eyes roam over my features before he faces forward again. “Not sure yet.”
Captain comes back and passes out everyone’s stuff, and when I open my bag, I find a third maple bar staring back at me.
I smile at the sugary goodness and pull some cash out of my pocket.
His grin disappears and a hardened glare takes its place. He shoves my hand away. “Do not try to hand me money again. If I offer you something, I’m fucking paying for it, do you understand?”
My pride screams to argue, but the look in his eyes tells me this is more than pride to him. He has a natural need to care for someone and my not allowing it will tear at what I’m gonna guess he’s worked hard – or is working hard – to ach
ieve. It’ll tear at the type of man he wants to be.
I thank him, and his easy smile has something in my chest thawing a bit.
I bury my face in my food a moment to hide the confusing feeling.
So, Captain is the nurturer.
I look to Royce who grins like a little boy at his candy covered treat then turn to Maddoc who quietly bobs his head to the music, sipping on his black coffee as he watches the rainfall from his side window.
From where I’m sitting, they seem so simple. Just three teenage boys headed to school.
I wonder what Royce and Maddoc’s roles are in their threesome?
What would mine be?
The thought has me jerking upright in my seat. The fact that I even stopped to wonder this tells me I need to get the hell out of this vehicle, which is why the second we pull up to the school, I reach for the handle but yay fucking me, child lock again.
Royce laughs and I turn his way.
“Precaution. Can’t have you ditching us.”
“You think forcing me off a bus and locking me in this bitch will help you on your incessant need to have me around?”
“Would you have come if we asked?” he challenges.
He tries to frown but grins and damn it, mine follows.
I laugh lightly and drop back in the seat. “So what’s your guys’ plan, for real? Why am I in this car with you right now? What purpose does this serve?”
“Nobody does a damn thing for us because they want to. They do it when they want something. You didn’t hesitate. Didn’t think twice, when you probably should have, so ... now we’re curious,” Captain says.
“About what?”
When both Captain and Royce look to Maddoc, I do the same.
He stares a moment before he says, “Everything.”
The way he says it, combined with the frenzied look in his eyes tells me he ain’t lying. He, for one, is curious about ... everything.
“Not that I’d believe you, but for the fuck of it, tell me ... do I need to watch my back when it comes to the three of you or is this a temporary treaty of sorts?”
“Treaty?” Maddoc raises a brow, a smirk on his thick ass lips.
“Yeah, your highness. Can I piss in peace or not?”