Boys of Brayshaw High Page 10
We’re forced to stay quiet for a few minutes, but eventually, there are enough soft whispers going around that every ear won’t be on us, so when he leans my way, I meet him in the middle.
“I’m betting, your boss” —he scowls which makes me laugh again and then I continue— “sorry. I bet Maddoc is pissed. This cramps his style, bad, and now he feels like the puppet when he’s used to being the master. Now, to cover your own asses and keep others from fucking up your pathetic little order, you guys have no choice but to pretend all this is what you want, ‘cause how dare anyone step off that thin white line you’ve drawn.”
“Your bitch is showing.”
I shrug and lean a little closer, bringing us inches apart, completely eye to eye and get serious.
“No for real, though, I’m not stupid. He’s looking to play the part, to make sure every punk in this school sees me in your circle, at least once. The switching classes helps a good amount. Right now, you sitting here entertaining me instead of scowling like normal.” I narrow my eyes and his harden. “It’s all part of the process. You boys are ballers and you’ve set your game plan. But know something, packman... I may have a vagina, but I’m no pussy.”
His jaw ticks and we’re stuck in a stare off, neither of us moving for a moment when the lights flick on.
Finally, he lowers his glasses back in place and exits the room.
When I gather my shit and move to stand, I see Maddoc settled in the doorway. He cuts a quick glance to Captain as he steps in front of him and then his green eyes are back on me.
I walk right to him, forcing my classmates to squeeze past me.
“Your turn to play, big man?” I taunt, and he lifts his chin.
Oh okay, so that’s his move telling me start walking.
With a roll of my eye, I do a little prissy bow, crossing my foot behind the other and bending before flipping him off and shouldering past.
I’d swear a teeny chuckle fought its way out before he strangled it.
Sure as shit, when I step into class his chest hits my back, and two large hands land on my hips. I freeze, right there in the door with every fucking eye on me, Chloe’s included.
Maddoc’s whisper hits my ear. “Walk, Raven.” His fingers skim across the waist of my jeans and my skin heats in unapproved excitement.
Yeah, it’s been a while.
I step into the class and he keeps himself plastered against me until I quickly drop into my usual chair.
Of course, when he looks at the poor kid behind me, the dude moves without a sound and Maddoc lowers himself into the seat.
Right then, Bass walks in.
He nods his chin my way as he moves to his seat across the room and I give a small salute.
Cool ass cat and the only one in here who didn’t notice Maddoc the second he entered.
Oh, but boss man noticed him.
He leans over me, his big ass body practically caving mine in.
“Why is Bass Bishop looking at you like he knows you better than anyone else in this room?”
I smirk to myself. “Maybe he does.”
“Don’t play, Raven.”
“Don’t worry, big man,” I whisper teasingly, covering his fist with my palm, frowning when his fingers open to welcome mine. “I’m sure everyone staring thinks you’re my number one.”
He growls a bit but sits back, and the rest of the class I’m ultra-aware of the testosterone enveloping me from behind.
I could use a joint right about now.
I’m sitting on the grass in the quad area when a cold splash hits my back, making me gasp.
My nostrils flare, the burn taking over and causing my eyes to water.
I rush to my feet, turning to the laughing figures behind me.
Chloe and her cultists.
“Hope you didn’t think the Bray’s little step backward meant we’d back off. They haven’t announced you’re off-limits to me, which means you’re still on the edge.”
My back starts to burn from the chemical searing my skin, but I don’t show it.
“Careful, Raven. The fall is much harder the higher you are.” With that, she tosses the ice bucket at my feet and strolls off.
I wait, making no move until she’s around the corner, then yank my shirt over my head as I rush for the gym.
I ignore the whistles and stares and push forward, careful to at least keep my chest covered.
Right when I go to shove through the door, an arm latches around my elbow and I spin, letting my fist fly, but of course he catches it, his eyes narrowing.
The sting is too much at this point and moisture prickles behind my eyes, making his tighten.
“What the f—” Royce cuts off when the smell hits and he grips my hair bringing it to his nose.
He curses and pushes forward, dragging me to the girl’s shower ... that he seems to have no problem finding.
He turns on the water and tries to grab ahold of my shirt, but I press it tighter against my chest.
“Let go of the fucking shirt, Raven. I’ve seen more tits than you can count, and you’re wearing a bra.”
He rolls his eyes. “Fine, get under the cold water. Your back’s all red. It won’t take it away, but you gotta wash the shit off.” His frown curves into a grin in the next second. “Wanna take off your pants?”
I shove him back and step under the cool spray, wincing lightly when it hits my back. I let it run down my body a few minutes, before gripping my hair and looking it over.
Shit. Ugly yellow and gold spots shine back at me toward the ends where the bleach ruined my black, never before dyed hair.
“Shit, RaeRae.” Royce pulls my hair over my shoulder and runs his fingers through it. “Maybe you can cut it?”
Then she wins.
His fingertips run across my skin making me jump.
It’s not like a heat burn, more irritating, but that fire feeling is still there.
I bend my back, and my bra scrapes against it making me wince.
“Son of a bitch.”
“You need to unclip this thing, it’s rubbing on you and it’s soaked in bleach.”
I huff, knowing he’s right. “Fine, unclip it.”
I pull my hair completely to one side and he steps under the spray with me, grabbing the clasp in his hand. Right when he goes to undo it, footsteps knock against the cement flooring behind us and we both turn to look over our shoulders.
Maddoc stands there, his face completely blank, but his hands are fists at his side, eyes not on me, but his boy.
It’s a sight to see, I’m sure. Me and Royce dripping wet under water, my shirt off as he helps undo my bra.
Royce finishes undoing the clasp without looking and slowly lowers his hands.
The boys stare at each other a moment before Royce turns back to look over my skin, but my stare stays on Maddoc as he tracks Royce’s every move.
Royce backs away after a minute and steps from the shower.
I reach out and turn off the spray, taking the towel he holds out for me.
I wrap it around my front, letting my bra and shirt drop to the ground.
That catches Maddoc’s attention and his stare cuts to my discarded items.
Maddoc strides forward, his tension-filled eyes bouncing between mine before dropping to my shoulder, and for some reason I slowly spin, showing him what he’s asking to see.
He doesn’t touch me, but his eyes create a burn far deeper than the chemical that’s only marred my skin’s surface.
Captain comes around the corner in the next second, his eyes slow as they take in the scene, landing on mine last.
Maddoc doesn’t move out of the way like Royce did, so Captain leans to the side to look past him, but he doesn’t get too close.
And suddenly I feel like a helpless child again.
I’m not.
“All of you feel the need to be in the gir
l’s locker room?”
They ignore me.
“Get Chloe and the others in the courtyard.” Maddoc looks to his brothers.
“On it.” Royce heads out.
“No,” I argue and again, I’m ignored.
“I’ll round the team.” Captain starts to leave also.
“I said no!”
“I’ll meet you guys out there,” Maddoc tells them and fuck this shit.
I whip off a soiled shoe and toss it at their retreating bodies, hitting Captain square in the head.
They spin around with glares.
“I said. No.” I step forward. “It’s one thing to crowd my space, but I’m not a helpless little bitch who needs you to put yours in place. She wants to play, fine. It’ll be on my terms.”
“No. She made a move on you after she saw we had you in our hold.”
“Not in your hold.”
“Say what you want, it’s what they should see and how they should understand.”
“Okay.” I nod, stepping back. “Okay, yeah. Go for it. Go run your little game, let her know you won’t stand for it, make me your damsel.”
All three stand taller, waiting for me to make my point but I wait.
Royce gives in first.
“Talk Raven, why would we not?” he snaps.
“You want them to think I fit in your world – still don’t get that but whatever – yet you wanna step in to save the day after one little incident with the campus queen? All that’ll do is make you look weak. ‘Cause how could a nobody, dirty little whore – as you painted me before – like me, get under your skin to this point. A girl who, if you do this, can’t even hold her own against a spoiled brat with a hard-on for three jackasses in Jordans?”
Three pairs of eyes narrow in thought and they look between each other.
“Weak links are holes in your armor. Back off and leave me be, nothing for you to worry about if you do, but if you insist on pretending we like each other, then let me handle this. I’m not weak. Don’t make it seem like I am to feed your own egos.” I shrug. “It’ll only backfire.”
“She’s right,” Captain agrees, and Royce swings a glare his way.
Maddoc, however, keeps his eyes on me.
He says nothing and goes to leave, a cussing Royce and silent Captain behind him.
This bitch needs to see ... I can handle anything she’s got with a grin.
She’s not used to girls like me.
She’ll learn.
I quickly dress in some PE clothes, throw my hair up and leave the school.
When I get to the house, I’ve got it all planned on what to say to Maybell, but as I hit the steps, she opens the screen for me, a small smile on her lips.
“School nurse called, said you were headed home.” She grasps my shoulders and helps me inside. “I warmed you some soup, it’s only from a can, but it’ll do. Go on and get changed, it’ll be on the table for ya.”
I nod, and head for my room to put on some sweats and a T-shirt.
Thanks, boys.
“Where is she?” Royce hums.
“Maybe she chickened out, took off,” Captain says.
“What, like back where she came from?” Royce shakes his head. “Maybell would have told us.”
Captain shrugs.
“No.” I keep my eyes locked on the door. “She’s coming.”
“How can you be so sure? The rest of the girls already took off.”
“Because she’s convinced she’s got pride. She couldn’t walk away after yesterday if she wanted to.”
Right then, the door opens and out she steps.
Royce laughs, smacking the back of the seat. “Hell yeah.”
Captain grins and looks to me, but I keep my eyes locked on the lioness who has yet to spot us.
She lifts her backpack onto one shoulder and bends to tie the laces of her black combat boots, and when she stands, my dick thinks about going with her, ‘cause fuck. Me.
Those boots make her little legs appear longer, her strong, thick thighs testing the stretch of her cut off shorts, small enough to show her ass cheeks if she bends the wrong way.
She’s wearing a white hoodie with bleeding roses in the center. The neck has been cut out so it hangs off the shoulder, showing the straps of her black bra, long, dark hair hanging down her back, silky straight and shining, a deep, dark blue now taking over the tips.
She looks like a project princess.
“She fuckin’ spun that shit good, brothers. Damn.” Royce grins then rolls his window down. “Get your ass in, Raven Carver.”
She freezes and swings her head our way, scowling as she does.
A laugh bubbles out of her and she shakes her head. “Yeah, I’m not riding with you.”
“Yeah, you are.”
“No way in hell, that’s all I need.”
“Get in or we throw you in.”
She flips us off and heads across the yard, so we roll beside her, stopping when she does.
At the fucking dude’s house.
She leans against the porch, pretending we’re not watching and Royce drops back against his seat.
“The fuck’s she doin’?”
Me and Cap say nothing, but watch as Bass fucking Bishop strolls out, looking like the other part to her duo, black, slick-backed hair, piercings, and shit.
He hops off the porch and they start walking, completely fucking ignoring the fact that we’re trailing her ass.
Fuck this.
I hit the brakes. “Go get her.”
With a laugh, Royce jumps and runs for her, tossing her over his shoulder as he salutes the fucker beside her.
She growls and runs that mouth of hers, but drops against the seat when he tosses her in.
We’re silent on the short drive and then I’m whipping in the school parking lot, my tires screeching to a halt in the first open spot.
She jumps out, flipping us all off, and instead of going into the building she turns and heads back the fucking way we came, where that fucker is still walking.
I slam my door shut and Captain laughs.
“You all right there, brother?”
I ignore him and together we head for the entrance.
“Think she’s fucking Bishop?”
Royce gives me a side eye and Captain raises a brow.
“Would it bother you if she was?”
When I don’t respond, they laugh and shove me forward through the door.
Fuck her and fuck him too.
If I wanted her, I could have her.
I’d bet on that.
Bass says nothing about the boys’ little show, so neither do I. Once we get to the school, the bell rings, but neither of us are in a hurry to learn.
“You sure you don’t want to back out on tonight after yesterday? It’s cool if—”
“I’m fine.”
He grins and I roll my eyes.
“Don’t be cheesy, Bass.”
He laughs and grabs the door when I don’t hold it open for him. “Hey, I was only gonna agree with you.”
“Go to class.”
“On it, Rae!” he shouts.
With a grin, I shake my head and round the corner, instantly slamming into a familiar body as I do. I stumble back, but not before he catches me in his arms.
I’m spun around until my ass hits the lockers, but he keeps a hand in the way of the metal, careful not to touch my burn against it.
“I want the truth from you.”
“Be more specific, big man.” I eye him and his hand moves to grip my hip.
“Bishop. That’s who you sneak out to see at night.”
“You’re sounding like a broken record.”
“Don’t play.”
“Fine. Maybe.” Technically, the answer is yes. Not that he’s earned it.
His nostrils flare and I raise a dark brow.
Oh, he doesn’t like that answer.
“Whatever you’re doing, it stops now.”
I cluck my tongue, shaking my head. “That’s not gonna work for me, big man. See I need Bishop.” I hold in my smirk.
His fingertips dig into my skin, and want has me holding my breath.
He knows it, his smirk now coming out to play.
“I’ll do anything he thinks he can, better.”
“Is that an offer?”
“A guarantee,” he growls.
“Well.” I push off into him. “I’ll remember that for when I get bored.”
“You better watch yourself, Raven. You’re Bray property now, and I’m done waiting for these fuckers to figure it out on their own. By the end of the day, every-fucking-body will know it well. No bitch will challenge you and no guy will touch you unless we say go, so you better trim them nails, Snow, wouldn’t want you to cut up your insides when you’re stuck finger-fucking yourself each night.”
“Fuck you.”
His smirk turns venomous. “If you’re lucky.”
He pulls back and then he’s gone.
And color me stupid, I think I’m hot for the bossy bastard.
It’s been four days since Chloe’s bullshit, and I’d swear she hates me more now than she did then.
That first day, she smirked and did a little swish with her head like victory was hers, that is until she let her eyes roll over me and saw I didn’t chop my hair like she clearly hoped I would but covered the mess she made instead.
I had to pull out the bleach myself to make it even, then used a Kool-Aid packet I snuck from the cupboard at the home to add the color over it. It’s not perfect and I’ll have to touch it up, but it works for a temporary fix.
I’m assuming she thought I was as superficial as her, and my hair was my all. While I can admit, I like it, it’s hair for fuck’s sake – it grows back.
Still, eye for an eye.
And Maddoc didn’t lie when he said he’d spread the word.
I’ve officially been deemed a “Bray girl” to the outside norms, but it’s all a lie, a way for them to keep eyes on me and hands off – not sure why it matters. Probably because they don’t want others to know I made impulsive decisions without their permission.
Chloe and her little crew are the bravest it seems. When the guys or their followers aren’t around, they’ll bump me or do their best to nail me in the head with a volleyball, nothing extraordinarily clever.